New Plug-in manager in Cubase PRO 8: there is brand new window in the DEVICES Drop-Down Menu, just underneath Plug-In Information window entry in Cubase PRO 8, entitled: Plug-in Manager. This new window provides detailed information about all installed plug-ins on a system, as well as the ability to re-scan currently installed software plug-ins to ensure you are up to date with what is available on your system. Furthermore, this feature you arrange, sort and group your effects and instruments either at the top level or in custom submenus, making finding your plug-ins easier and letting you focus on what’s really important. Create multiple collections as sub-sets of all installed effect and instruments and switch easily between them! You can either categorize your plug-in Collections, by Client, Artist, Genre or Workflow (Music or Post Production), or any other way that makes sense to you in your specific Production environment.