The following tutorial shows the user How to create a VCA fader in Studio One 4.
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As the vast majority of modern Digital Audio Workstations, Studio One 4 gives the user the possibility of create a Voltage Controlled Amplifier (VCA) fader as a way to emulate this classic-feature of vintage analog consoles. In general, a VCA is a channel gain control that can be adjusted by modifying a DC voltage on the control input, making it possible for the faders assigned to it, to move “together” maintaining any offsets between them by only touching a single fader (the VCA). Studio One 4 gives the user the option to assign the desired channels to be controlled by a VCA fader in order to recreate this function.
This tutorial will present a step-by-step guide on how to create and setup a VCA fader for proper use in Studio One 4.
1. Open or create a new Studio One 4 song that contains several tracks:

Note all the drum tracks have different levels assigned on their faders.
For the purpose of this tutorial, we will create a VCA fader that will control these audio tracks.
2. Command+Click all the tracks so they are all selected, they will appear as highlighted:
3. Right-click on any of the selected tracks, and the following window will appear:
4. Click on: Add VCA for Selected Tracks:
After clicking on this, the VCA will appear one the Console window as:
Just as with folder tracks, by pressing the mute or solo button of the VCA fader, all the tracks controlled by it, will be solo’d or muted.
If we click and drag the VCA fader down 6 dB, the tracks controlled by it will be reduced by 6 dB each:
It is important to understand, a VCA fader is NOT a bus. Therefore, the tracks are still feeding the Main Output. The VCA fader only controls the level of the tracks, but it does not affect their routing.
At this point the VCA fader has been created and configured. It is ready to be used. The tutorial has now finished.
We hope this tutorial on how to create and configure a VCA fader in Studio One 4 has been helpful! Call OBEDIA today to learn how to use Studio One 4 from a digital audio professional.
CLICK HERE to learn Presonus Studio One 4 one on one with a digital audio professional at OBEDIA.